
The Loops section provides blocks that enable you to repeatedly execute a set of instructions, making your programs more efficient and powerful. Instead of manually duplicating code for each iteration, you can use loops to:

  • Run certain actions a specific number of times.

  • Continue processing while a given condition is true.

  • Repeat a block of code until a particular event occurs.


The simplest "repeat" block runs the code in its body the specified number of times. For example, the block on the image will print "Hello!" ten times.


  • Count (Number): How many times to repeat.

repeat while

Repeats the enclosed blocks as long as a condition is true.


  • Condition (Boolean)

repeat until

Repeats the enclosed blocks until a condition is true.


  • Condition (Boolean)


A block that returns an iterator.


  • Iterator (number)

NOTE: An iterator can not be used outside the loop.