
A Size-Capped Queue Implementation

The LimitedQueue class is a specialization of ClearQueue that adds functionality to limit the size of the queue. This class ensures that the queue does not grow beyond a specified size limit, providing better control over memory utilization.

Class Methods


  • LimitedQueue(): Initializes an empty LimitedQueue object with zero limit and size.

Accessor and Mutator Methods:

  • size_t limit(): Returns the current size limit of the queue.

  • size_t size(): Returns the current size of the queue (i.e., the number of elements it contains).

  • void limit(size_t limit): Sets the size limit for the queue. If the limit is set to a value less than the current size of the queue, excess elements are removed from the front of the queue.

Element Operations:

  • bool isFull(): Checks if the queue has reached its size limit.

  • void pushLimited(const T value): Pushes a new value into the queue, respecting the size limit. If adding the value would exceed the size limit, the oldest value in the queue is removed.

  • T popLimited(const T errorCode): Pops a value from the queue. Also decrements the size counter.

Internal Logic:

  • void applyLimit(): Removes excess elements from the front of the queue until it's within the size limit.

  • size_t calcSize(): Recalculates and updates the size of the queue by iterating over all elements. Useful in scenarios where there's a potential discrepancy between the mSize value and the actual number of elements.

Member Variables:

  • mLimit: Represents the size limit of the queue.

  • mSize: Represents the current number of elements in the queue.

Inherited Members:

As LimitedQueue is derived from ClearQueue, it inherits all functionalities of the ClearQueue class.

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