
The AppKit class manages MQTT communications, Lisp scripting, network configurations, and event handling, ensuring seamless interaction between hardware and software components.


  • static AppKit& getInstance() Retrieves the singleton instance of AppKit, ensuring a single point of control within the system.

  • unLisp &getLisp() Retrieves a reference to the unLisp singleton instance, enabling access to the Lisp interpreter.

  • MQTTKit &getMQTT() Retrieves a reference to the MQTTKit instance, facilitating MQTT communications.

  • const Credentials &getCredentials() Retrieves a reference to the Credentials object containing device and owner identifiers.

  • void pushTo(TaskScheduler &scheduler) override Integrates the AppKit's tasks with the provided task scheduler, enabling periodic execution of network, MQTT, and Lisp tasks.

  • void attach() override Attaches the AppKit to the system by initializing primitives, attaching network and MQTT components, and running stored Lisp scripts.

  • void registerWithBus(CoreEventBus &eventBus) override Registers AppKit entities with the CoreEventBus, enabling event-driven interactions and data channel communications.

  • void unregisterFromBus(CoreEventBus &eventBus) override Unregisters AppKit entities from the CoreEventBus, cleaning up event listeners and data channels.

  • void configureNetworkController(const NetworkControllerConfig &config) Configures the network controller with the specified settings, setting up buttons and LEDs for network management.

  • void configureNetworkController(uint8_t pinBtn, uint8_t activeLevelBtn, uint8_t pinLed, uint8_t activeLevelLed, uint8_t maxRebootCount, uint32_t rebootWindowMs) Overloaded method to configure the network controller with individual parameters for button and LED pins, reboot count, and reboot window.

Private Members:

  • Credentials mCredentials Stores the device and owner credentials used for MQTT communications and topic path construction.

  • NetworkScheduler mNetwork Manages network-related tasks and configurations, ensuring reliable connectivity.

  • MQTTKit mMQTT Manages MQTT communications, handling connections, device registrations, and message processing.

  • TopDevice mTopDevice Instance of TopDevice for handling debug-related MQTT interactions and diagnostics.

  • LispDevice mLispDevice Instance of LispDevice for managing Lisp scripting, script execution, and event handling.

  • UniquePointer<NetworkController> mpNetworkDevice Unique pointer to the NetworkController instance, managing network buttons, LEDs, and reboot configurations.

  • UniquePointer<CoreCallbackEventListener> mpNetworkEventListener Unique pointer to the CoreCallbackEventListener instance, handling network and MQTT connection events.

Inner Structures:

  • struct NetworkControllerConfig Configuration structure for setting up the network controller, including button and LED pin numbers, active levels, maximum reboot count, and reboot window duration.

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