
The RegisterManagerProxy class acts as an intermediary between client classes and the central RegisterManager, facilitating controlled and streamlined interactions with registered entities. By abstracting the direct access to the RegisterManager, it promotes decoupled and modular design, enhancing the flexibility and maintainability.


  • RegisterManagerProxy(const String &name, RegisterManager *reg) Constructs a RegisterManagerProxy instance associated with a specific register name and a pointer to the RegisterManager.

  • bool getGpio(size_t index, uint8_t &outValue) const Retrieves the value of a GPIO pin from the associated register by index.

  • template <typename T> T *getObject(size_t index) Retrieves a registered object of a specified type from the associated register by index.

Private Members:

  • String mName Stores the name of the register associated with the proxy, ensuring targeted access.

  • RegisterManager *mpRegister Pointer to the central RegisterManager instance, facilitating interactions with the register.

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