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Variables allow you to store, retrieve, and manipulate data within the script. They are essential for keeping track of changing values, such as sensor readings, user inputs, or counters.
Note: Before using a variable, you typically create it through a corresponding section in the toolbox. Once created, it can be used and modified throughout your program. Variables are case-sensitive and should have meaningful names to make your code easier to understand.
Creates a new variable or changes an existing variable's value.
Variable Name (String): The name of the variable to set.
Value (Any type): The value to store in the variable.
Retrieves the current value of a variable.
Variable Name (String): The name of the variable whose value you want to access.
Any type: The current value of the specified variable.
Modifies a numeric variable by adding a value to it.
Variable Name (String): The name of the variable to modify.
Value (Number): The amount to add to the variable.
The variable dropdown menu provides options to:
Select existing variables
Rename selected variable
Delete selected variable
Renaming or deleting a variable affects all blocks that use that variable.