
The Date class provides functionalities to synchronize system time with NTP servers, retrieve the current time, and manage time-related events. It ensures that the system maintains accurate time, which is essential for various operations such as logging, scheduling, and data timestamping.


  • Date() Private constructor, initializes the Date instance, sets up NTP callbacks, configures NTP servers, and restores stored time.


  • static time_t now() Retrieves the current epoch time.

  • static String getFormattedTime() Returns the current time as a formatted string (e.g., "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS").

  • bool store() override Stores the current epoch time into persistent CBOR storage.

  • bool restore() override Restores the epoch time from CBOR storage and sets the system time accordingly.

  • void execute(short _) override Executes the store operation, typically called after successful time synchronization to persist the updated epoch time.

  • void forceSync() Forces a synchronization with NTP servers to update the system time immediately, bypassing scheduled synchronization intervals.

Private Methods:

  • void _timeSyncCallback() Callback function invoked upon successful time synchronization. Executes the store operation and emits a synchronization event.

  • bool _setTime(time_t epoch) Sets the system time to the specified epoch value.

  • void _reconfigure() Configures the NTP settings by specifying the NTP servers to use for time synchronization.

  • time_t _now() Retrieves the current system epoch time.

  • String _getFormattedTime() Generates a formatted time string based on the current system time.

Private Members:

  • SimpleNTP mSNTP Instance of the SimpleNTP class responsible for handling NTP communications and time synchronization.

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