
The Register class is a versatile and generalized template class within the Uniot Register module, designed to handle the registration and management of various system entities.


  • bool setRegister(const String& name, const T* values, size_t count) Sets the register with the specified name and array of values.

  • bool addToRegister(const String& name, const T& value) Adds a single value to an existing register. If the register does not exist, it will be created with a default capacity.

  • bool getRegisterValue(const String& name, size_t idx, T& outValue) const Retrieves a value from the register by name and index with bounds checking.

  • bool setRegisterValue(const String& name, size_t idx, const T& value) Sets a value in the register by name and index with bounds checking.

  • size_t getRegisterLength(const String& name) const Gets the number of values in the specified register.

  • void iterateRegisters(IteratorCallback callback) const Iterates through all registers and calls the provided callback function for each one.

Private Members:

  • Map<String, SharedPointer<Array<T>>> mRegisterMap A map associating each register name with its corresponding array of values, enabling efficient storage and retrieval.

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