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Dashboards are an integral part of any IoT system. They allow you to monitor, analyze, and control devices. The basis of a dashboard is widgets. Each widget performs a specific input/output function when interacting with your hardware.
You can access dashboards by opening the corresponding page in the left menu. If there is not default dashboard, a page with a list of all dashboards will be opened. If there is a default dashboard, you will be redirected directly to it. Dashboards consist of one or several widgets that are linked to a specified events.
Dashboards have two modes: edit and view. You should use edit mode to configure a dashboard.
There are two layout types: desktop and mobile. You can switch layout to see how the widgets will be displayed on different devices.
In edit mode, you can add widgets, edit and delete them, and move them around to create the most convenient dashboard for you.
To add a widget to your dashboard, go to edit mode. There will be a dropdown, where you can see a list of all available widgets.
We are working on expanding the available widgets. We will regularly add new ones in future releases. If you have any requests for specific widgets, please describe your request in our forum, we will be happy to implement the new functionality.
There are 2 required fields when adding a widget to the dashboard:
name - The name of the widget that will be used to label it on the dashboard.
event - The event the widget will be linked to.
For control widgets (Push Button, Switch, Slider), you can enable the retain parameter. Read more about retained messages here. Other parameters are widget-specific settings (LED color, slider range, etc.)