
Scheduling Individual Tasks

The SchedulerTask class is a specialization of a Task that enables more controlled execution of repetitive or one-time tasks. It implements the IExecutor interface, allowing it to be used with the Uniot Core's main time management system.


  • SchedulerTask(IExecutor *executor): Constructor that takes another IExecutor and executes it within the task.

  • SchedulerTask(SchedulerTaskCallback callback): Constructor that takes a specific callback function with signature void foo(short) to be executed within the task.


  • void attach(uint32_t ms, short times = 0):

    • ms: Duration in milliseconds for the task to execute.

    • times: Number of times the task should repeat. Defaults to 0 for indefinite repetition.

    • Attaches the task to the scheduler for execution.

  • virtual uint8_t execute() override: Implements the IExecutor interface, executing the task based on the scheduling logic.

Private Members:

  • short mRepeatTimes: Number of times the task should repeat.

  • volatile bool mCanDoHardWork: A flag indicating whether the task can perform its operation.

  • spSchedulerTaskCallback mspCallback: Shared pointer to the task's callback function.

Type Definitions:

  • using SchedulerTaskCallback = std::function<void(short)>: Type alias for a standard function that takes a short integer as a parameter. This callback is used to define the task's behavior within the SchedulerTask class.

  • using spSchedulerTaskCallback = SharedPointer<SchedulerTaskCallback>: Type alias for a shared pointer to a SchedulerTaskCallback. Utilized within the SchedulerTask class for managing the task's callback.

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