
A Lightweight and Efficient Queue Implementation

The ClearQueue class is a templated, lightweight, and memory-efficient implementation of the queue data structure. Unlike the std::queue in the C++ standard library that often requires more resources, this class has been optimized for use in embedded systems like those used in the Uniot Core project.

Purpose and Benefits

  • Lightweight and Resource-Efficient: Being specially crafted for systems with limited resources, ClearQueue offers a simplified interface and consumes less memory.

  • Uniqueness Handling: Offers functionality to handle unique values in the queue.

  • Flexible Operations: Provides functions for adding, removing, inspecting, and iterating over the elements.

  • Error Handling: Offers a mechanism to provide error codes for certain operations, allowing for better control and robustness.

Class Methods

Constructor and Destructor:

  • ClearQueue(): Initializes the queue with empty states.

  • ~ClearQueue(): Cleans up the queue, releasing any allocated memory.

Push Operations:

  • push(const T value): Adds the specified value to the end of the queue.

  • pushUnique(const T value): Adds the value to the queue only if it doesn't already exist. Returns true if the value was added.

Pop and Peek Operations:

  • hardPop(): Removes and returns the front element from the queue without any checks.

  • hardPeek() const: Returns the front element without removing it.

  • pop(const T errorCode): Removes and returns the front element. If the queue is empty, it returns the provided error code.

  • peek(const T errorCode) const: Returns the front element without removing it. If the queue is empty, returns the provided error code.

Element Management:

  • removeOne(const T value): Removes the first occurrence of the specified value from the queue. Returns true if successful.

  • contains(const T value) const: Checks if the queue contains the specified value.

Queue State Checks:

  • isEmpty() const: Returns true if the queue is empty.


  • forEach(VoidCallback callback): Iterates over each element in the queue, executing the provided callback for each element.

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