
The CBORObject class provides a flexible and intuitive interface for creating, manipulating, and parsing CBOR data structures. It abstracts the complexities of the underlying CBOR library (cn-cbor), enabling developers to work with CBOR maps, arrays, integers, strings, and binary data effortlessly. The class also supports nested structures, allowing for the creation of complex and hierarchical data representations.

Constructor and Destructor:

  • CBORObject() Constructs an empty CBORObject instance. Initializes a new CBOR object, preparing it for data manipulation. Sets the initial state to not dirty and creates an empty CBOR map.

  • CBORObject(Bytes buf) Constructs a CBORObject instance from a given byte buffer. Initializes the CBOR object by decoding the provided byte buffer. If decoding fails, it initializes an empty CBOR map and logs a warning.

  • CBORObject(const CBORObject &) Copy constructor (not implemented). Disabled to prevent unintended copying. Logs a warning if attempted.

  • CBORObject& operator=(const CBORObject &) Copy assignment operator (not implemented). Disabled to prevent unintended assignment. Logs a warning if attempted.

  • virtual ~CBORObject() Destructor that cleans up the CBOR object. Frees allocated resources and resets internal pointers to prevent memory leaks.

Data Manipulation:

  • CBORObject &put(int key, int value) Inserts or updates an integer value with an integer key.

  • CBORObject &put(int key, uint64_t value) Inserts or updates an unsigned integer value with an integer key.

  • CBORObject &put(int key, int64_t value) Inserts or updates a 64-bit integer value with an integer key.

  • CBORObject &put(int key, const char *value) Inserts or updates a string value with an integer key.

  • CBORObject &put(int key, const uint8_t *value, int size) Inserts or updates a byte array with an integer key.

  • CBORObject &put(const char *key, int value) Inserts or updates an integer value with a string key.

  • CBORObject &put(const char *key, uint64_t value) Inserts or updates an unsigned integer value with a string key.

  • CBORObject &put(const char *key, int64_t value) Inserts or updates a 64-bit integer value with a string key.

  • CBORObject &put(const char *key, const char *value) Inserts or updates a string value with a string key.

  • CBORObject &put(const char *key, const uint8_t *value, int size) Inserts or updates a byte array with a string key.

  • Array putArray(int key) Creates or retrieves a CBOR array associated with an integer key.

  • Array putArray(const char *key) Creates or retrieves a CBOR array associated with a string key.

  • CBORObject putMap(const char *key) Creates or retrieves a CBOR map associated with a string key.

  • CBORObject getMap(int key) const Retrieves a CBOR map associated with an integer key.

  • CBORObject getMap(const char *key) const Retrieves a CBOR map associated with a string key.

Data Retrieval:

  • bool getBool(int key) const Retrieves a boolean value associated with an integer key.

  • bool getBool(const char *key) const Retrieves a boolean value associated with a string key.

  • long getInt(int key) const Retrieves an integer value associated with an integer key.

  • long getInt(const char *key) const Retrieves an integer value associated with a string key.

  • String getString(int key) const Retrieves a string value associated with an integer key.

  • String getString(const char *key) const Retrieves a string value associated with a string key.

  • String getValueAsString(int key) const Retrieves the value as a string, regardless of its original type, associated with an integer key.

  • String getValueAsString(const char *key) const Retrieves the value as a string, regardless of its original type, associated with a string key.

  • Bytes getBytes(int key) const Retrieves a byte array associated with an integer key.

  • Bytes getBytes(const char *key) const Retrieves a byte array associated with a string key.

Serialization and Deserialization:

  • Bytes build() const Serializes the internal CBOR structure into a byte array for storage or transmission.

  • void read(const Bytes &buf) Deserializes the provided byte buffer and populates the CBOR object with the decoded data.

State Management:

  • bool dirty() const Checks if the CBOR object has been modified since the last store operation.

  • void forceDirty() Forces the CBOR object to be marked as dirty.

  • void clean() Resets the CBOR object to its initial state.

Error Handling:

  • cn_cbor_errback getLastError() Retrieves the last error encountered during CBOR operations.

Inner Classes


The Array class is a nested class within CBORObject that facilitates the manipulation of CBOR arrays. It provides methods to append various data types to the array and to create nested arrays, enabling the construction of complex data structures.

Constructor and Destructor:

  • Array(CBORObject *context, cn_cbor *arrayNode) Constructs an Array instance with a given context and CBOR array node.

    • context (CBORObject *): Pointer to the parent CBORObject.

    • arrayNode (cn_cbor *): Pointer to the CBOR array node.

  • Array(const Array &other) Copy constructor.

  • Array &operator=(const Array &other) Copy assignment operator.

  • ~Array() Destructor that cleans up the array instance.


  • Array &append(int value) Appends an integer value to the array.

  • Array &append(const char *value) Appends a string value to the array.

  • template <typename T> Array &append(size_t size, const T *value) Appends a sequence of integral values to the array.

  • Array appendArray() Appends a new nested array to the current array and returns it.

  • cn_cbor_errback getLastError() Retrieves the last error encountered during array operations.

Private Methods:

  • void _create() Initializes the internal CBOR structure for the COSEMessage.

  • bool _read(const Bytes &buf) Parses a byte buffer to populate the COSEMessage.

  • void _clean() Cleans up the internal CBOR structure and resets pointers.

  • bool _setProtectedHeader(const CBORObject &pHeader) Sets the protected header in the COSEMessage.

  • bool _setSignature(const Bytes &signature) Sets the signature in the COSEMessage.

  • Bytes _toBeSigned(const Bytes &external = Bytes()) Constructs the byte sequence to be signed for message authentication.

  • CBORObject _getMap(cn_cbor *cb) Retrieves a CBOR map from a given CBOR node.

  • long _getBool(cn_cbor *cb) const Retrieves a boolean value from a CBOR node.

  • long _getInt(cn_cbor *cb) const Retrieves an integer value from a CBOR node.

  • String _getString(cn_cbor *cb) const Retrieves a string value from a CBOR node.

  • Bytes _getBytes(cn_cbor *cb) const Retrieves a byte array from a CBOR node.

  • String _getValueAsString(cn_cbor *cb) const Retrieves the value of a CBOR node as a string, regardless of its original type.

  • bool _isPtrEqual(cn_cbor *cb, const void *ptr) const Checks if a pointer is equal to the data pointer of a CBOR node.

  • void _markAsDirty(bool updated) Marks the CBOR object as dirty if an update has occurred.

  • cn_cbor_errback *_errback() Retrieves a pointer to the current error state, resetting it afterward.

Type Definitions:

  • using SchedulerTaskCallback = std::function<void(SchedulerTask &, short)> Type alias for a callback function that takes a reference to a SchedulerTask and a short indicating remaining executions.

  • using spSchedulerTaskCallback = SharedPointer<SchedulerTaskCallback> Type alias for a shared pointer to a SchedulerTaskCallback.

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