
The SimpleNTP class manages the communication with NTP servers to obtain accurate epoch times. It handles the construction and parsing of NTP packets, manages retries and timeouts, and integrates with the Date class through callback mechanisms.


  • SimpleNTP() Constructs a SimpleNTP instance, initializing callback pointers.

  • void setSyncTimeCallback(SyncTimeCallback callback) Sets the callback function to be invoked upon successful NTP synchronization.

  • time_t getNtpTime() Initiates the process of retrieving the current epoch time from NTP servers.

Private Methods:

  • bool _sendNTPPacket(WiFiUDP &udp) Constructs and sends an NTP request packet to a randomly selected NTP server from the predefined list.

  • bool _waitForResponse(WiFiUDP &udp, unsigned long timeout, int maxRetries, unsigned long retryDelay) Waits for a response from the NTP server within the specified timeout and number of retries.

  • time_t _processNTPResponse(WiFiUDP &udp) Processes the received NTP response packet to extract the epoch time.

Private Members:

  • SyncTimeCallback mSyncTimeCallback Function pointer to the callback function invoked upon successful time synchronization.

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