
The EventEntity class serves as a base for all entities that interact with the EventBus, including both listeners and emitters. It manages the connection to the EventBus and provides foundational functionalities for event-driven communication.

Template Parameters:

  • T_topic The type representing the event topic identifier.

  • T_msg The type representing the event message.

  • T_data The type representing the data associated with the event.


  • bool sendDataToChannel(T_topic channel, T_data data) Sends data to a specific data channel associated with an event topic across all connected EventBus instances.

  • void receiveDataFromChannel(T_topic channel, DataChannelCallback callback) Receives data from a specific data channel associated with an event topic and executes a callback function with the received data.

  • virtual type_id getTypeId() const override Retrieves the unique type identifier for the EventEntity class, facilitating safe type casting.

Private Members:

  • IterableQueue<EventBus<T_topic, T_msg, T_data> *> mEventBusQueue A queue maintaining pointers to connected EventBus instances.

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