
The EventListener class extends EventEmitter and allows components to subscribe to specific events. It maintains a list of topics it is interested in and defines a pure virtual method onEventReceived that must be implemented to handle incoming events.

Template Parameters:

  • T_topic The type representing the event topic identifier.

  • T_msg The type representing the event message.

  • T_data The type representing the data associated with the event.


  • EventListener *listenToEvent(T_topic topic) Subscribes the listener to a specific event topic, enabling it to receive events associated with that topic.

  • EventListener *stopListeningToEvent(T_topic topic) Unsubscribes the listener from a specific event topic, preventing it from receiving events associated with that topic.

  • bool isListeningToEvent(T_topic topic) Checks whether the listener is currently subscribed to a specific event topic.

  • virtual void onEventReceived(T_topic topic, T_msg msg) = 0 Pure virtual method that must be implemented by derived classes to define how events are handled when received.

Private Members:

  • ClearQueue<T_topic> mTopics A queue maintaining a list of event topics the listener is subscribed to.

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