The MQTTKit class manages connections to the MQTT broker, oversees multiple MQTTDevice instances, handles message publishing and subscribing, and ensures secure and efficient communication through COSE message handling. By integrating with network and time synchronization events, MQTTKit provides a robust and reliable foundation for MQTT-based interactions.


  • MQTTKit(const Credentials &credentials, CBORExtender infoExtender = nullptr) Constructs an MQTTKit instance with the specified credentials and an optional CBOR extender for additional information.

    • credentials (const Credentials &): Reference to a Credentials object containing device and owner identifiers.

    • infoExtender (CBORExtender, optional): A function to extend CBOR messages with additional information.

  • ~MQTTKit() Destructs the MQTTKit instance, handling cleanup and deregistration of all associated devices.

  • void setServer(const char *domain, uint16_t port) Sets the MQTT broker server's domain and port for establishing connections.

  • void addDevice(MQTTDevice &device) Registers an MQTTDevice instance with the MQTTKit, enabling it to participate in MQTT communications.

  • void removeDevice(MQTTDevice &device) Deregisters an MQTTDevice instance from the MQTTKit, removing it from MQTT communications.

  • const MQTTPath &getPath() Retrieves the MQTTPath instance used for constructing MQTT topic paths.

  • void renewSubscriptions() Re-subscribes all registered devices to their respective MQTT topics, ensuring that subscriptions are up-to-date.

  • virtual void pushTo(TaskScheduler &scheduler) override Integrates the MQTTKit's MQTT task with the provided task scheduler, enabling periodic execution of MQTT operations.

  • virtual void attach() override Placeholder method for attaching the MQTTKit to the scheduler or system. Currently not implemented.

  • virtual void onEventReceived(unsigned int topic, int msg) override Handles events received by the MQTTKit, such as network connectivity changes and time synchronization events, to manage MQTT connection cycles.

Private Members:

  • const Credentials *mpCredentials Pointer to the Credentials object containing device and owner identifiers.

  • MQTTPath mPath Instance of MQTTPath used for constructing MQTT topic paths based on credentials.

  • CBORExtender mInfoExtender Function pointer for extending CBOR messages with additional information.

  • PubSubClient mPubSubClient Instance of the PubSubClient library used for MQTT communications.

  • bool mNetworkConnected Flag indicating the current network connection status.

  • int mConnectionId Identifier for tracking MQTT connection attempts and sessions.

  • WiFiClient mWiFiClient WiFi client instance used for establishing network connections.

  • ClearQueue<MQTTDevice *> mDevices Queue managing all registered MQTTDevice instances.

  • TaskScheduler::TaskPtr mTaskMQTT Pointer to the scheduled MQTT task responsible for managing MQTT operations.

Last updated