The Array utility designed to provide a dynamic array structure similar to std::vector
in C++. It offers efficient memory management, flexibility, and ease of use for handling collections of elements. By leveraging modern C++ features such as move semantics and type traits, the Array
class ensures optimal performance and resource utilization.
Key Features:
Dynamic resizing with automatic capacity management.
Support for both copy and move semantics.
Bounds-checked access methods.
Efficient memory allocation strategies.
Compatibility with trivially copyable types for optimized performance.
Constructors and Destructor:
Constructs an empty Array instance with no allocated memory.Array(size_t capacity)
Constructs an Array with a predefined capacity, allocating memory for the specified number of elements.Array(size_t size, const T* values)
Constructs an Array by copying elements from an existing C-style array.Array(Array&& other) noexcept
Move constructor that transfers ownership of resources from another Array instance.~Array()
Destructor that deallocates the memory used by the Array instance.
Assignment Operators:
Array& operator=(Array&& other) noexcept
Move assignment operator that transfers ownership of resources from another Array instance.
Element Access:
T& operator[](size_t index)
Provides unchecked access to the element at the specified index.const T& operator[](size_t index) const
Provides read-only unchecked access to the element at the specified index.bool get(size_t index, T& outValue) const
Provides bounds-checked access to retrieve the value at the specified index.bool set(size_t index, const T& value)
Sets the value of the element at the specified index with bounds checking.
Capacity Management:
size_t size() const
Returns the number of elements currently stored in the array.size_t capacity() const
Returns the total number of elements that can be stored in the array without reallocating.bool isEmpty() const
Checks whether the array is empty.const T* raw() const
Retrieves a const pointer to the underlying data array.
bool reserve(size_t newCapacity)
Ensures that the array has at least the specified capacity. If the current capacity is less than newCapacity, the array is resized to accommodate.bool push(const T& value)
Adds a new element to the end of the array using copy semantics. If the array is at capacity, it automatically resizes to accommodate the new element.bool push(T&& value)
Adds a new element to the end of the array using move semantics, allowing for efficient transfer of resources from temporary objects.void clear()
Removes all elements from the array, resetting its size to zero. Does not deallocate the memory, allowing for future reuse.bool shrink()
Reduces the array's capacity to match its current size, freeing any unused memory. This can help minimize memory usage, especially after removing large numbers of elements.
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