
The Bytes utility provides a versatile and efficient means of handling byte arrays, facilitating operations such as serialization, deserialization, memory management, and data manipulation.

Key Features:

  • Dynamic memory management with automatic allocation and deallocation.

  • Support for various data sources, including C-style arrays, strings, and integral types.

  • Utility functions for hexadecimal conversions, checksum calculations, and data termination.

  • Memory safety with bounds checking and error handling.

  • Integration with other Uniot components through seamless data handling.

Constructors and Destructor:

  • Bytes() Constructs an empty Bytes instance with no allocated memory.

  • Bytes(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) Constructs a Bytes instance by copying data from a given byte buffer.

  • Bytes(const char *str) Constructs a Bytes instance from a C-style null-terminated string. It automatically includes the null terminator in the byte array.

  • template <typename T> Bytes(T value) Constructs a Bytes instance from an integral type. This enables easy conversion of numerical values to byte arrays.

  • Bytes(const Bytes &value) Copy constructor that creates a new Bytes instance by copying another Bytes instance.

  • Bytes(const String &value) Constructs a Bytes instance from a String object. It copies the string data into the byte array.

  • virtual ~Bytes() Destructor that deallocates the memory used by the Bytes instance, preventing memory leaks.

Assignment Operators:

  • Bytes &operator=(const Bytes &rhs) Copy assignment operator that assigns the contents of one Bytes instance to another.

  • Bytes &operator=(const String &rhs) Assigns a String object to a Bytes instance, copying the string data into the byte array and ensuring null termination.

Static Methods:

  • static Bytes fromHexString(const String &hexStr) Creates a Bytes instance from a hexadecimal string representation. Each pair of hexadecimal characters is converted to a single byte.


    • The input string must have an even length; otherwise, the function logs an error and returns an empty Bytes instance.

    • The function uses strtol for hexadecimal conversion, ensuring accurate byte representation.

Utility Methods:

  • size_t fill(Filler filler) Fills the byte array using a user-provided filler function. The filler function defines how the buffer should be populated.

    • filler (Filler): A std::function that takes a pointer to the buffer and its size, and returns the number of bytes written.

    • Returns the number of bytes successfully written by the filler function.

  • Bytes &prune(size_t newSize) Reduces the size of the byte array to newSize bytes if newSize is smaller than the current size. This helps in trimming excess memory usage.

  • const uint8_t *raw() const Provides a const pointer to the underlying byte buffer, allowing read-only access to the data.

  • Bytes &terminate() Ensures that the byte array is null-terminated. If the last byte is not '\0', it appends a null terminator by reallocating the buffer.

  • const char *c_str() const Provides a C-style null-terminated string representation of the byte array. Returns const pointer to the first character of the buffer.

  • String toString() const Converts the byte array to an Arduino String object. This is useful for interfacing with APIs that require String types.

  • String toHexString() const Converts the byte array to its hexadecimal string representation. Each byte is represented by two hexadecimal characters.

  • size_t size() const Retrieves the current size of the byte array in bytes.

  • void clean() Clears the byte array by deallocating the memory and resetting the size to zero.

  • uint32_t checksum() const Calculates a CRC32 checksum of the byte array, useful for data integrity verification.

Private Helper Methods:

  • inline void _init(void) Initializes the internal state of the Bytes instance by setting the buffer pointer to nullptr and size to zero.

  • void _invalidate(void) Frees the allocated memory buffer and resets the internal state to prevent memory leaks and dangling pointers.

  • bool _reserve(size_t newSize) Reserves memory for the byte array by reallocating the buffer to the specified newSize.

  • Bytes &_copy(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) Copies data from a source byte buffer into the Bytes instance after reserving the necessary memory.

Private Members:

  • uint8_t *mBuffer Pointer to the dynamically allocated byte buffer.

  • size_t mSize Current size of the byte array in bytes.

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